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Statutes of the Society for Women in Philosophy Switzerland (SWIP CH) Bern, 12. September 2017 (Amended: 15. October 2018: Art 19, 7., D. Art. 22; 13. March 2018: Art 15)


A. General Art. 1: Name, domicile and corporate year

1. The association is called Society for Women in Philosophy Switzerland, abbreviated with the acronym: SWIP CH (German: Verein zur Förderung von Frauen in der Philosophie Schweiz).

2. The association is domiciled in Bern. 3. The corporate year is the calendar year.


Art. 2: Purpose

1. The Society for Women* in Philosophy Switzerland (SWIP CH) is a non-profit association established September, 2017 in Bern.

2. It serves to build a supportive network of women* philosophers working in scientific fields in Switzerland and aims to combat gender inequality on all academic levels in philosophy.

3. The purpose of the association is to realize the following goals:

● Facilitation and promotion of cooperation to support women in philosophy

● Support of women in philosophy

● Increasing the visibility and reception of philosophical works of women

●Implementation of feminist perspectives in and on philosophy

● Preparation of relevant information for women in philosophy

●Increasing awareness and promoting responsibility for current and past (intended and unintended) discrimination of women in philosophy

●End the discrimination of women in philosophy


4. These goals are to be realized through the following measures:

● Implementation of conferences and conventions

● Mentoring and support

● Practical and theoretical cooperation with like-minded organizations at home and abroad

● Collection and distribution of information concerning the situation for women in philosophy

● Lobbying

●Creation and implementation of Good Practice Guidelines for philosophical institutions in Switzerland

●Preparing information and resources for career planning


Art. 3: Non-profit status

1. The association is a non-profit organisation as such it does not primarily pursue goals serving its own economic interest. 2. The association's funds can only be used for the aims and measures outlined under the purpose of association in Article 2, Sections 3. and 4.

3. No person may benefit from expenditure that is contrary to the aims of the association or through disproportionately high payments.


B. Organisation

Art. 4: The Bodies of the Association are

1. The General Assembly of Members

2. The Executive Board


Art. 5: General Assembly: Function, Convention of the Assembly

1. The general assembly of members is the supreme, governing body of the association.

2. A meeting of the general assembly should be held once a year. An extraordinary general assembly can be called if at least one-third of the members of the association write a written request that states the reasons for the meeting or when it is necessitated by the interests of the association.


Art. 6: General Assembly: Powers

1. Approval of the executive board

2. Decisions on the election and dismissal of the members of the executive board

3. Decisions on the acceptance of the annual project and financial report of the executive board

4. Decision on changes to the statutes according to Art. 9

5. Decision on the dissolution of the association 6. In order to make changes to statutes, to alter or amend the purpose of the association, or to dissolve the association, a two-thirds majority of votes cast is necessary. Abstentions are not taken into account.


Art. 7: Resolutions: Form

1. Resolutions are passed in the general assembly.

2. The written consent of all members to a proposal is equivalent to a resolution of the general assembly.

3. The general assembly may always pass resolutions regardless of the number of members present at the meeting.


Art. 8: Resolutions: Voting Rights and Majority

1. All members have equal voting rights in the general assembly. Resolutions are passed by public vote unless the general assembly determines differently.

2. To pass a resolution requires a simple majority of the votes of the members present.

3. In matters in which proper notice has not been given, resolutions can be passed only when expressly permitted by the articles of association.

4. A record of each meeting of the general assembly must be kept and approved by the clerk as well as the chair of the meeting in which decisions made during the assembly are accurately recorded.


Art. 9: Changes to Statutes

1. For changes to statutes, a majority of two third of the votes cast is necessary. Suggestions for changes must be sent to all members prior to the meeting postally or digitally written.

2. Resolutions on changes to statutes must be communicated to all members postally or digitally written.


Art. 10: The Executive Board

The Executive Board is constituted of an uneven number of three to seven (maximum) persons, who represent:

● The chairperson (president),

● Two to six (maximum) co-chairs

1. The Executive Board may, in order to reduce its workload, appoint a paid managing director. The managing director participates as an advisory member in all meetings of the executive board. The managing director is not entitled to a vote in matters concerning the board.

2. In judicial and non-judicial matters, the chairperson or a co-chair is the official representative of the association.

3. Members of the executive committee are elected to the board for terms of (1) one year. Board members can resign in written form prior to the end of their term.

4. The executive board may adopt procedural rules, which determine the areas of responsibility of each of its members.

5. The executive board is required to send a written invitation to the member's last known address (via post or email), at least two weeks prior to the general assembly, detailing the place, time and agenda of the day.

6. A vote of no confidence can be issued to the executive board by means of approval of at least 20% of the members of the association. The respective request must be delivered to the chairperson in written form. In order to relieve the executive board of its tasks and call for election of a new board, a vote of no confidence must pass with a majority of two-thirds of the votes of those present. The election of a new board must be initiated immediately.

7. The Executive Committee works on an honorary and voluntary basis.


Art. 11: Rights and Duties of the Executive Board

1. The executive board manages the association’s funds and executes its resolutions.

2. The executive board is responsible for decisions in all matters relating to the association, unless the statutes decree that a particular decision must be made during a general assembly. Decisions of the executive board must be reached with a simple majority under the conditions that all members of the executive board have been informed (via post or email) fourteen (14) days prior to the decision about the respective issue and decisions must be recorded in writing.

3. The executive board is empowered to undertake changes to the statutes when they are in conflict with its entry into the register of associations or its status as a non-profit.


C. Membership

Art. 12: Types of Membership

1. The association is composed of members as well as sponsoring members according to Art. 16.

2. Any natural person of legal age or any legal person may become a member of the association.

3. Membership must be applied for in writing or electronically to the executive board, who decides upon admission. Admission into the group indicates that members have accepted the statutes of the association.


Art. 13: Admission and Resignation

1. Members may be admitted at any time.

2. All members have a legal right to resign, which is subject to six weeks notice. Membership expires at the end of the calendar year or, if an administrative period is provided for, at the end of such period.


Art. 14: Rights and Duties

1. All members have equal voting rights during the general assembly.

2. Any member, who does not identify as a man*, may be elected into any office or position. Exceptions are possible if no candidate can be found. If the member is a private or public legal person, the same conditions apply to its representatives elected to all offices.

3. All members have the right to submit a motion to the executive board or the general assembly.

4. Members have a duty to promote the aims of the association to the best of their ability, to preserve and care for the assets of the association and, as determined by the statutes, to pay membership fees.


Art. 15: Membership Fees

1. The association is composed of members and sponsoring members. Members have to pay membership fees, which are determined according to the type of membership. The annual membership fees are determined as follows: Regular 40 CHF, reduced 20 CHF, sponsoring membership at least 40 CHF.

2. The due date is the 31st January of the respective year.

3. The general assembly may decide on fees by simple majority vote.


Art. 16: Sponsoring Members

1. The executive board may give sponsoring memberships to all natural persons as well as public or private legal persons. In order to be considered a sponsoring member, one must accept and support the purpose of the association.

2. Sponsoring members have the right to attend and participate in the general assembly.

3. Sponsoring members cannot hold an elected office in the association. They do not have the right to propose resolutions, motions, or the right to vote.

4. Sponsoring members are subject to membership fees that are determined by the executive board according to uniform guidelines.


Art. 17: Termination of Membership

Membership can be terminated upon:

1. death

2. dissolution of a legal person

3. resignation

4. expulsion

Art. 18: Resignation or Expulsion

1. Resignation of membership can only take place once all responsibilities have been carried out. A written statement of resignation must be sent to the executive board, subject six weeks notice period before the end of the calendar year.

2. The duty to pay the membership fees ends with the year in which resignation is effective. Contributions given prior to resignation will not be repaid.

3. In cases of gross infringement of the statutes or the standing of society, e.g. non-payment of membership fees despite reminder, the executive board may decide on the expulsion of a member.

4. Members who resign or are expelled, relinquish any claim to use of assets of the association. They are liable for the membership contributions, which they are subject to during their membership.


D. Dissolution of the Association

Art. 19: By Resolution The association can be dissolved at any time by resolution of the members.

Art. 20: By Operation of Law The association can be dissolved by operation of law if it is insolvent or if the executive committee can no longer be appointed in accordance with the requirements of the articles of association.

Art. 21: By Court Order Where the purposes of the association are unlawful or immoral, the competent authority or an interested party may apply for a court order of dissolution.

Art. 22 Utilization of Income and Capital in the Case of Dissolution In the case of dissolution of the association, all income and capital must be granted to another public, non-profit organization or a cultural or charitable tax-exempt legal entity that is domiciled in Switzerland.

The Society for Women* in Philosophy Switzerland (SW*IP CH) is a non-profit organization. 

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