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HS2020 SW*IP CH Colloquium / Feminist Reading Group

Bi-Weekly Meetings on Mondays, 18:15-19:45pm, via Zoom. The Zoom invite link will be posted on this page the day of the meeting below the corresponding date.


This semester we have organized a hybrid event series featuring presentations from SW*IP CH members of their work and a pre-read reading group  on the days that are not reserved by a specific speaker. The way this will work is that you consult the list below of dates and reserve a spot (first come first serve) to present your work online. Please let us know by the end of September if you would like to reserve a spot by sending us an email. This is an open call for all levels BA and up.  For those sessions that are not booked, we will select a reading from the list below. We will finalize the texts and speakers by the end of September. Please email us with your reading suggestions and we will list them below.


For texts please email us:


Meetings and Speakers or Readings:​


Oct. 12, 2020

Organizational Meeting (Meet and Greet, Scheduling of Speakers / Selection of Texts)

Meeting ID: 959 8851 7750
Passcode: 856997


Oct. 26, 2020

We will read and discuss the text: Framing Intersectionality by Elena Ruíz. 

The text can be found here

Link to the Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 919 8843 7707
Passcode: 016146


Nov. 09, 2020

Speaker: Silvio Koelbing, "Kommentar zu Alexander Browns
Artikel «What is Hate Speech?»​

Meeting ID: 986 7851 4581
Passcode: 804856


Nov. 23, 2020

Speaker: Kathrin von Allmen,

"Can we justify the individual remedial responsibility to lower personal emissions? An expansion of the argument of moral integrity" You can download the text here 

Meeting ID: 962 0851 0537

Passcode: 172572


Dec. 7, 2020

Please join us for an online apéro to discuss our experiences this year and to catch up! ​ 

Meeting ID: 977 4604 2482
Passcode: 289149


The Society for Women* in Philosophy Switzerland (SW*IP CH) is a non-profit organization. 

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